Summer Camp Video

The faces you see in this video include both children you have saved from child abandonment and trafficking and children currently at risk of being left at an orphanage, sold into servitude or thrown into the streets this year.

Please make a generous gift today to protect these children, build stronger families and provide hope for their futures!

If you would like to ask friends and family to join you in support of this program, or any HRI program, you can now create your own fundraising page using our new JustGiving platform for Peer-to-Peer Fundraising. Set your own goal, personalize the narrative, and more.

Thank you for helping us raise the remaining $8,780 for the new group of children and families hoping to join HRI’s Children First Program next month. Only with your help, compassion and generosity will that happen!

Thank you,

Rachel Zelon HRI President & CEO

Thousands Needs

Help HRI end hunger and suffering.