The HRI Mission

Hunger Relief International (HRI) is a Judeo-Christian organization that works to improve and protect the lives of children and families living in extreme poverty by building resiliency, fighting hunger, promoting family unity, and increasing self-sufficiency. HRI does this through direct programming and by raising public awareness.

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Annual Report

See our annual impact statement.

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Initially, Hunger Relief International addresses immediate issues of hunger and unreliable access to food also known as food insecurity. Once HRI begins implementing nutrition programs in a community, our team develops a long-term strategic plan for development projects in partnership with local community leadership. A pillar of our work is partnerships with stakeholders to facilitate long-term, sustainable and transformative community growth and development.

Strategic Goals

1. Remain faithful to the commitment to work towards the reduction of poverty and exclusion, one of the main factors that contribute to so much suffering in today's world.

2. Provide tools and share knowledge with girls and women to ensure they understand their basic human rights, including equity in all its forms, their importance in civil society and the economic power within their reach.

3. Deepen our commitment to the highest standards of professional competence and service, as well as strong and equitable organizational leadership and governance.


  • We are committed to all children of the one true God and that we are called by Him to serve without regard to race, gender, belief or any meaningless categorization.
  • We are committed to the belief that every life has purpose, and each should have not only the basics of food, safe water, access to medical care and education but hope for a better life.
  • We are committed to be the best stewards of all resources entrusted to us; to be transparent and accountable to our donors, to our partners and to those we serve.
  • We are committed to work together, with local communities, churches, other organizations and our donor partners because together we can all accomplish more than we can alone.
  • We are committed to serve with excellence, constantly striving to do more, our partners deserve nothing less than our absolute best.

Our Vision

Hunger Relief international aims to spearhead actions so that children and families living in poverty have their fundamental needs fulfilled. We advocate a holistic, sustainable, and environmentally sound approach to these actions, that will lead to more equitable access to nutritious food, education, clean water, healthcare, sanitation and safe living environments. We envision a world where girls and women especially understand their rights and where society respects those rights by giving them voice and decision-making power in their lives, homes and nations.

Get Involved

We proudly work with churches, individuals, universities, businesses, foundations, and organizations that have a desire to make a difference and improve outcomes for vulnerable children, families, and communities. We welcome your involvement as a donor, fundraiser, mission trip volunteer, or advocate. Please contact us to learn more. Without our valuable partners, nothing we do would be possible!

Thousands Needs

Help HRI end hunger and suffering.